I’ve never been good at conversations. I am getting better, I think.
That is to say, I read all those self-help books and ‘motivational’ webpages, in an ongoing quest to be sociable. But in the end, I still struggle in social situations. Which has been a problem, because there’s something important I’ve wanted to talk to you about.
It’s about the beauty of this journey we are on. The overwhelming beauty. And the sadness and sorrow that goes with it. Sadness that burns like a distant ember, captivating and yet ominously looming. A sadness that threatens to consume me, in the face of the unavoidable impermanence of life. And yet the beauty remains.
Sometimes I get captured in this beauty. My mind remains in a place, a moment that has long since passed. They are everyday places, but ones that resonate a life’s journey. And I want to share them with you.
So I thought I would start a dialogue. These paintings are our unfinished conversations, fragments from a life in transit. Remnants of our daily pilgrimage.
“Unfinished Pilgrimage,” an exhibition of my new paintings will be showing at Lethbridge Gallery, 136 Latrobe Terrace, Paddington from 23-28 September 2016. The opening event will be on Saturday 24 September 2016, hope to see you there.