Lethbridge Art Auction

As you all know I show my artworks at Lethbridge Gallery in Paddington.

The gallery is introducing Art Auctions as a regular feature of their year, where they will sell both secondary market artworks by well-known Australian artists and also a selection of gallery artists as well.

My piece, Urban Spaceman, is included in the catalogue so if you’ve ever wanted to get something of mine and have been concerned about the price, now is the time to come along and take part in the auction.

Even if you don’t want to buy something this time, it would be good for you to come along for what looks likely to be a fun and entertaining afternoon.

The full catalogue can be found on the Lethbridge Gallery website www.brettlethbridge.com

What: Lethbridge Gallery Art Auction

When Saturday June 25

Time: 5pm for a 5.30 start.